workplace morale and culture

Celebrate Your Business Culture

It is possible for organizations to spend a lot of money and time creating a culture that will make them more productive. It is difficult and dynamic to create a culture. It takes more than words to create a culture. You need to reward people for their actions that reflect the values you are trying to build.

You need to work ON your business, not IN it. This means that you will need a team who can manage the business when you’re not there. A strong company culture is often the first step.

When trying to build a “commercial profitable enterprise that works even when you are not there”, creating a vision that leads everything and everyone in the business is critical. Vision is the core of every function and every goal. It doesn’t change. It isn’t flexible and doesn’t change.

Create value points or culture points to ensure the vision is at the center of the work being done.

No matter how many points of culture you have, ensure that the concepts are integrated into all levels and functions. These are the 14 points that make us the most successful business coaching company in the world.

  1. Commitment

I will give 100% of myself and all that I have committed to until I succeed.

I am committed the Vision, Mission and Culture, as well as to success

At all times I recommend all products and services.

  1. Ownership

I take full responsibility for the results of my actions.

Actions will bring about, and own all that happens in my

My work and my personal life. I am responsible for my results.

To make things change, I first have to change.

  1. Integrity

I speak truth. I keep my word and deliver what I promise.

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I will only make agreements with others and myself that I am willing to honor.

Willing and able to keep. I will communicate broken

I make sure to reach agreements as soon as possible and fix any that are broken

Agreements immediately

  1. Excellence

It’s not enough to be good. I deliver products and services that are always of high quality.

Outstanding quality and added value for all parties over the long-term

term. I am always looking for ways to make more with less, and keep on the same path.

Innovation and constant improvement are the hallmarks of innovation.

  1. Communication

My clients, my coworkers and I are all positive.

I am is available in public and private sectors. I am a good speaker.

Use empowering and positive conversations to achieve your purpose. I have never

Use or listen to sarcasm and gossip. I accept what is being said.

This is true at the moment for the speaker. I accept responsibility

Thank you for your responses to my communication. I salute you and bid you farewell

People using their names. I apologize immediately for any inconveniences.

Then, find a solution. Concerns are never discussed in my office.

Private with the individual involved.

  1. Success

I put my energy, thoughts, and attention on what is successful.

Whatever I do, it will be the outcome. I’m willing to win.

Allow others to win: Win/Win My innermost self is always visible

I am proud of my success, personal confidence, and competence. I am.

A successful person.

  1. Education

I learn from my mistakes. I am always learning, growing and mastering.

So that I can learn from my clients and fellow employees.

Learn and master. My clients benefit from my education.

To make intelligent decisions about their future memory

It is their future. It is practical and can be used immediately.

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Knowledge is more important than theory.

  1. Teamwork

I’m a team player, and a leader. I will do anything to make it happen.

Stay together and work together to achieve your team goals. My focus is on cooperation

I am a person who always comes to a solution, not compromise. I am

Flexible in my work and open to changing if necessary

Working. I’m compassionate and ask for help when I need.

To others who ask.

  1. Balance

I believe in a balanced approach to my life.

My spiritual, family, and social aspects are just

As important as my intellectual and financial well-being. Complete

My work and the most important tasks are first so that I can be productive.

Quality time with my family, for me and to recharge.

  1. Fun

My life is a journey that I enjoy and value.

I make it fun and joyful for everyone.

It’s a treat for everyone around me.

  1. Systems

I look to the system every time I have a problem. I will help you with any problem.

When I am looking for people, I first use a system correction

Correction. In my innovation, I use a system solution rather than a person.

It is a better solution than the people solution. I followed the system until it was over.

A new system has been introduced. I propose system improvements

At my first chance.

  1. Consistency

So my clients and colleagues can trust me, I’m consistent with my actions

I am someone you can trust and feel at ease with. I am

I am disciplined in my work to achieve my goals of growth and success

They are constant.

  1. Gratitude

I am truly grateful. I want to say “Thank you” and show my appreciation.

Appreciation is something we should all practice.

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Let me let you know how much I value everything and everyone

I am grateful for the opportunities that have presented themselves in my life. I celebrate my wins as well as the victories of others.

Clients, team. I catch myself and others constantly.

People do things right.

  1. Abundance

I am an abundance person. I deserve my abundance.

I am able to give and receive easily. I believe in abundance.

Respecting my self-worth in all aspects of my life

All others. I am rewarded up to the point that I create abundance

For others, I understand that my abundance is limited by my ability to provide it.

Life to the extent that I am able.

I have been recognized by the Franchise Business Review as a TOP Franchise Culture. This industry publication reviews thousands of franchises each year and ranks the culture. Recognizing an independent organization is a sign that the culture has been ingrained in the business.

It’s now time to recognize and celebrate your team and partners for their contributions in supporting your vision, and living the culture that you have nurtured. You can make your environment even more inclusive by creating ‘culture’ rituals and awards that are tied to company culture points.

Your team will be more productive if they are focused on common goals and respecting culture points. This will allow you to get started working ON your business sooner and let your team manage it with confidence.

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